
Download email attachments in batch

Primary LanguageGo


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Mailfetcher can help you download attchment of mails in batch.

How to use

Luanch mailfetcher

Usage will be shown with mailfetcher -h:

        mailfetcher.exe -l
                list configs and related index
        mailfetcher.exe -i [<start> <end>]
                interactive mode
        mailfetcher.exe -d <index>
                download mails using default date setting
                FROM 202212112130 TO 202212121730
        mailfetcher.exe -s <start> <end> <index>
                download mails using date setting manually
                eg: mailfetcher.exe -s 202212112130 202212121730 0
        mailfetcher.exe -h
                show this

The <start> and <end> string represented time limits the time range. Only the mail whose receving time is within the time range will be fetched.

Three mode are provided:

  • interactive mode
  • default mode
  • set manually mode

NOTE: the time shown in the usage prompt will be updated automatically, it's convenient for one to copy and run the example in usage directly.

Config file

There can be multiple config files whose extension is .txt in configs directory.

NOTE: the .txt file must be encoded as UTF-8 WITHOUT BOM.

Each .txt file has three sections which split by blank lines.

KEY-VALUE Setting Section
<blank line>
Name List Section
<blank line>

Take EXAMPLE.txt for example:

homework_path=c:\homework    # 所有班级作业将存放至的根目录
mailserver=example.com:993   # IMAP邮件服务器地址
mail_user=username           # 账号
mail_passwd=password         # 密码
prefix_flag=SS1201           # 附件前缀
maxmail=40                   # 一次最多下载邮件数目
delimiter=-                  # 邮件主题&附件的分隔符



Format of mail subject & attachment

The mail subject AND filename of attachment must be in the following format:


Take EXAMPLE.txt as example, in which we set:

prefix_flag=SS1201           # 附件前缀
delimiter=-                  # 邮件主题/附件分隔符


So the following subject or attachment file name meet the requirements:


View the data of file data.db

The indiscipline cases will be stored to ./data.db which is a sqlite database file.

The data in ./data.db can be viewed by sqlite client, such as SqliteStudio, sqlite-web

Take sqlite-web as example, run command below to install sqlite-web:

pip install sqlite-web

run command below to browse data.db:

sqlite_web ./data.db