
Production Rate using Productivity Bonus is Incorrect

Opened this issue · 2 comments


I've been using this tool for years, and I love it. Thanks for the great work!

Unfortunately I noticed today that the Productivity Bonus is calculated without consideration for the associated drop in production speed. For single items, I can enter a negative value in the Speed Bonus field to get the right response, but for complicated recipies this doesn't work, as the Speed Bonus applies to all items, whereas Productivity Modules can only be used when making Intermediate Products.

I know it's been years since you made this tool, and I'm sure you've moved onto bigger and better things, but Factorio is a timeless game that's yet to be beat, and your Factorio Planner makes such a great pairing for anyone willing to really push the limits of the game. I really hope you can find the time to revisit this code and apply an appropriate fix. I'm also willing to contribute towards your costs, if you are able to receive funds from Australia.

Oh and there appears to be a problem displaying the image for Long-Handed Inserters, but this is merely an annoyance that doesn't affect the functionality of the tool.


Hello and thank you for your feedback! Indeed this sounds like an oversight.

As you noticed I haven't been updating this project for a while, so I won't make any promise, but I have added this to my todo-list. I suspect that better similar tools exist now, which probably explains why you're the first one to create an issue here in a while ;)

Oh, and don't worry about the costs — they're basically zero.