- 2
- 1
Incorrect production time for batteries
#76 opened by felixscheffer - 0
recipe for Portable fusion reactor wrong
#86 opened by saibantes - 0
Update for 1.0?
#84 opened by MaBeuLux88 - 0
bug in petroleum_gas_cracking recipe
#83 opened by legakis - 0
Replace input type
#81 opened by KianoJ - 3
Example site ( is down
#80 opened by tylerault - 1
Republish 0.16 version?
#78 opened by ianwremmel - 0
Missing cliff explosives
#77 opened by tsani - 3
Production Bonus not working
#70 opened by Lava84flow - 3
Add version selection to advanced settings.
#71 opened by sbliven - 4
Does it work with the last Factorio release?
#56 opened by nmaxcom - 2
Atomic bomb materials are not correct for 0.17, needs rocket control, less blue circuits
#74 opened by xEgdodx - 1
Make non-empty (filled-in) fields visually distinct
#75 opened by mk-fg - 5
Error building
#72 opened by sbliven - 0
Mining ratios are off for 0.17
#68 opened by xEgdodx - 5
.17 recipes
#64 opened by Lava84flow - 0
[Request] Productivity Alternative
#63 opened by Wiseyuk - 6
Organize list of items
#51 opened by JuicyJuuce - 3
make failed: "", line 115, characters 33-53; Unbound value Char.lowercase_ascii
#60 opened by alexxroche - 1
E: Unable to locate package js-of-ocaml
#59 opened by sevillaarvin - 1
factorio planner-style factory configuration
#57 opened by drdozer - 1
Bug on heavy oil
#61 opened by thascoet - 0
missing item .16
#58 opened by stafftank - 2
Assembler Bonuses
#52 opened by SirGregorius - 1
No bonuses for refineries
#47 opened by asdfqwertz98 - 3
Unable to use Battery as shared resource
#53 opened by IceReaper - 2
Incorrect Icon for Equipment Battery MK1
#54 opened by dexgecko - 4
Missing recipes: Locomotive, cargo wagon, train stop, rail signal, rail chain signal, car, tank
#46 opened by n-st - 1
[Request] Exact Input/Arithmetic Input
#49 opened by Nallek - 1
For every Ressource a Setup Choise?
#41 opened - 2
Add expensive recipes
#44 opened by Saintis - 0
Better overwiev on how much refineries and chem. plants are needed for Petrolium
#48 opened by asdfqwertz98 - 2
Atomic Bomb?
#42 opened by hovissimo - 2
Documentation: Tips section should make it clearer regarding "fastest machines"
#36 opened by stwalkerster - 4
Iron to Steel calculation error?
#40 opened by firefly762 - 2
BUG Ore A# discrepancy
#39 opened by DragooKnight - 2
Express items/s in number of belts
#28 opened by dave-2 - 2
Display belt throughput for resources
#38 opened by stwalkerster - 3
- 2
Full Speed Machines & minutes
#34 opened by edipp - 2
- 2
Energy consumption/ coal consumption
#37 opened by WillyWinkel - 1
- 1
- 2
Idea / Request: Mods
#29 opened by ApolloBirb - 1
- 6
Many broken image links
#25 opened by mmysinger - 3
Fix name of Pump
#22 opened by CPonty - 4
Inline optimization helpers
#21 opened by ELLIOTTCABLE