
a copy of the lung web app. I can't push in the original repo

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Lung web application visualisations


Make sure you have Python installed, then run:

git clone https://github.com/LungNoodle/LungWebAppVisualisations.git

To launch the web application, run:

cd LungWebAppVisualisations/
python run.py

and open your browser at http://localhost:8000/.

Run using another web server

Since Python will compress and serve the models automatically, when running from an ordinary web server (Apache, NGINX, ...) you must enable serving pre-compressed files. Run compress.py to generate the compressed models. If possible, set the X-Uncompressed-Content-Length header to the value encoded in the compressed filename. This will enable a loading percentage on screen.


Proxy error

If you encounter a proxy error on a computer at the University of Auckland, this is due to the way they are configured. Edit /etc/hosts and add the follow line at the top:   localhost