
A web-based Doom server browser and REST API. The software that powers DoomSpy.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0


A web-based Doom server browser and REST API.

This software stack powers DoomSpy and I hope it can be useful to you as well.


You need a working and relatively recent version of Node.js. Your node installation must be capable of compiling native addons via node-gyp, so please make sure you have Python 2.x and either a GCC-compatible C++ compiler on Unix-alikes or Visual C++ 2010/2012 on Windows.

Once you have these things installed, installation should be fairly painless.

$ git clone <url> dmaster
$ cd dmaster
$ npm install

Starting the server

$ node dmaster


All default configuration options are located in config/default.json. To override any of the defaults, create config/runtime.json and re-define any configuration entries that you wish.


Your Google Analytics Tracking ID, used for tracking site traffic. If set to false, the Google Analytics script will not even show up at the bottom of the page.


The string that appears in the HTML title tags.


The port that you wish to use to send out master server and server info queries.


The port that you wish to enable the HTTP front-end server for. Both the website and REST API will share the same port.


The type of master server that requests will be going out to. Valid types are:

  • zandronum

...and that's it, really. More coming soon...



The address and port of the master server to query.


The number of seconds to wait between master server queries. It's not polite to set this number too low, and some master servers might throttle or even block your connection completely.


dmaster is released under the GNU Affero General Public License Version 3. The full text of the license is included with dmaster.

I am open to alternative licensing arrangements for all or part of the codebase. Simply drop me a line and we can chat.

Other Licenses

All licenses for serverside packages are included in their respective directories upon installation.

In addition, dmaster uses code and resources from several other sources: