
PCM audio data normalizer

Primary LanguageJavaScript

PCM audio data normalizer

node.js Stream utility to normalize 16-bit or 32-bit PCM audio data.


var fs = require('fs');
var Normalizer = require('pcm-normalizer');

var reader = fs.createReadStream('./source.pcm');
var writer = fs.createWriteStream('./destination.pcm');
var normalizer = new Normalizer(32);

normalizer.on('normalization', function(){
normalizer.on('gain', function(gain){
    console.log('gain', gain);


Class: Normalizer

Normalizer is a Transformer stream, with extra events.

new Normalizer([bitDepth])

  • bitDepth <number> optional bit depth, default is 16.

Create a new instance of a normalizer stream handler.

Event: 'normalization'

  • <number>

The 'normalization' event is emitted on audio normalization (if enabled) and returns the current current position of the normalization in percentage (from 0 to 100).

Event: 'gain'

  • <number>

The 'gain' event is emitted after normalization and returns the scale of normalization.