
Learn Structural Equation Modeling using the `learnr` package

Primary LanguageHTML


learnSEM is a tutorial package to learn structural equation modeling written by Erin M. Buchanan at https://statisticsofdoom.com/.

Current Version: 0.5.0


You can install learnSEM by using the following code:

#install.packages("devtools") #uncomment if you need devtools

Be sure to restart your R session, as this helps you get the Tutorial Window from the learnr package. If you see a message no tutorial found in learnSEM, try restarting RStudio.

Course Schedule

  1. Introduction to R:
  • Lecture: vignette("lecture_introR", "learnSEM")
  • Tutorial: learnr::run_tutorial("introR", "learnSEM")
  1. Data Screening Practice:
  • Lecture: vignette("lecture_data_screen", "learnSEM")
  • Tutorial: learnr::run_tutorial("datascreen", "learnSEM")
  1. Exploratory Factor Analysis:
  • Lecture: vignette("lecture_efa", "learnSEM")
  • Tutorial: learnr::run_tutorial("efa", "learnSEM")
  1. Terminology:
  • Lecture: vignette("lecture_terms", "learnSEM")
  • Tutorial: learnr::run_tutorial("terms", "learnSEM")
  1. Path Models:
  • Lecture: vignette("lecture_path", "learnSEM")
  • Tutorial: learnr::run_tutorial("path1", "learnSEM")
  • Tutorial: learnr::run_tutorial("path2", "learnSEM")
  1. CFA Models:
  • Lecture: vignette("lecture_cfa", "learnSEM")
  • Tutorial: learnr::run_tutorial("cfabasics", "learnSEM")
  1. CFA Second Order Models:
  • Lecture: vignette("lecture_secondcfa", "learnSEM")
  • Tutorial: learnr::run_tutorial("cfasecond", "learnSEM")
  1. Full Structural Models:
  • Lecture: vignette("lecture_sem", "learnSEM")
  • Tutorial: learnr::run_tutorial("fullsem", "learnSEM")
  1. Multitrait Multimethod:
  • Lecture: vignette("lecture_mtmm", "learnSEM")
  • Tutorial: learnr::run_tutorial("mtmm", "learnSEM")
  1. Multigroup CFA:
  • Lecture: vignette("lecture_mgcfa", "learnSEM")
  • Tutorial: learnr::run_tutorial("mgcfa", "learnSEM")
  1. Latent Growth Models:
  • Lecture: vignette("lecture_lgm", "learnSEM")
  • Tutorial: learnr::run_tutorial("lgm", "learnSEM")
  1. Item Response Theory:
  • Lecture: vignette("lecture_irt", "learnSEM")
  • Tutorial: learnr::run_tutorial("irt", "learnSEM")

Lectures are being added every Friday! Check back if one is not open yet.