An light-weight android module to fetch images from Internet and load into respective views.The view must be a imageview or one of its sub-class.
Its a thread-safe module with Singleton architecture.It uses a thread-pool to sumit the task to fetch images from internet and LRUcache to cache the fetched bitmaps to future uses. It can also be uses to set the resouces from drawables directly into the imagevies.
It will soon be available on jCenter for usage.
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Black-image-loader requires basic understanding of java development.
Black.init(context).loadIntoImageview(imageView,url); //basic usage
To set the placeholder image while fetching bitmap from network.
To set the resource after there has been any error while fetching the image from network.
At the same time the logging ofinformation can be switched with the following function.
Free Software, Hell Yeah!