
Primary LanguageJava

Advanced Objective Programming

2019 fall semester Advanced Objective Programming term project

User Stories


  • First time you should install MYSQL.
  • You must include the external API in the resource directory of your JAVA Build path
  • DB does't have a sever.
  • I make this program assuming the DB server is open. So I recommend opening the server. And link with server.

API Lists

  • mysql-connector-java-8.0.18.jar
  • mail-1.4.7.jar


  • Filed | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra
  • ymDate varchar(8) No PRI NULL
  • loc_name varchar(20) No PRI NULL
  • no2p decimal(4,3) YES NULL
  • o3p decimal(4,3) YES NULL
  • cop decimal(2,1) YES NULL
  • so2p decimal(4,3) YES NULL
  • pm10 decimal(4) YES NULL
  • pm25 decimal(4) YES NULL

Current State

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