
A prototype implementation of a kubernetes virtual network device plugin using device plugin API

Primary LanguageGo

Cloud Network Device Plugin


The is a fork of the sample Solarwind Device Plugin Repository.

The goal of this sample is to demonstrate the ability of inserting a Virtual Network Function (VNF) into the network path for any Kubernetes POD using standard Kubernetes mechanisms. A detailed write up on the goals and approach is available at Virtual Network Device Plugin. This document is open for comments/


This sample code has been deployed successfully on GKE with Kubernetes v1.9.6 (Note there appears to be some issues on 1.9.7). It has not been deployed on any other public or private cloud infrastructure. There should not be any issues on other clouds as the implmentation uses standard (though Alpha) Kubernetes features.

  1. Initial Setup of GKE

    1. Assume user has GKE account.
    2. Assume gcloud is installed.
  2. Configuring the Kubernetes Cluster

$ gcloud alpha container clusters create vnf-demo \
  --enable=kubernetes-alpha \
  --image-type "UBUNTU" \
  --enable-legacy-authorization \
  --cluster-version 1.9.6-gke.1
  1. Edit the configMap in the device-plugin.yaml file
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: configmap
  onload-version: "0.2"
  socket-name: vnfNIC
  resource-name: paloaltonetworks.com/vnfdevice
  k8s-api: https://<ClusterIP>
  node-label-onload-version: device.vnf.onload-version
  vnf-max-instances: "8"
  k8s-passwd: <cluster credentials password>
  1. Get a sample CNF

see Cloud Network Function

  1. Build the device plugin
$ dep init
$ dep ensure
$ go build -o vnf-device-plugin
$ cp <location of CNF> ./vnf
$ sudo docker build -t gcr.io/<your account>/vnfdevice:0.0.1 .
$ gcloud docker -- push gcr.io/<your account>/vnfdevice:0.0.1
  1. Deploy the device plugin daemonset:
$ kubectl apply -f ./device-plugin.yaml
  1. Sample pod template to consume VNFs
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: nginxtwin
    name: webserver
  - name: nginxtwin
    image: nginx
        paloaltonetworks.com/vnfdevice: '1'
  1. Deploy the sample POD
  $ kubectl apply -f ./nginx.yaml
  1. Get the URL
$ curl http://<nginx pod>
  1. Check the logs for the VNF
$ kubectl exec -it <daemonset POD> -- /bin/bash
$ cat /var/log/vnf/vnf.log

In the logs you will see the TCP packets from the hot running the curl command.

Current Issues

  1. Only possible to get container ID in Allocate method through a workaround.
  2. Deallocating resources when a POD is deleted is an issue.
  3. Getting an addition interface into the VNF for management. This may be possible using another veth pair and a local IP-Tables rule on a well known port.


1.Cloud Network Device Plugin.