
ETS2 Job Logger

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

ETS2 Job Logger

Cross-platform Euro Truck Simulator 2 and American Truck Simulator job logger written in C++.

Linux Windows MacOS
Build Status Build status see #16


ETS2 Job Logger consists of wxWidgets based application and ETS2 plugin.

Plugin sends job related data to the application via websocket. Application then sends a POST request to the specified API URL when a new job is taken or a current job is delivered. See JSON Format paragraph for details of the format sent to your API endpoint.

Applications stores job information in memory until it's sent to your API. If sending failed, eg. your API did not return expected HTTP code, applications tries to send it again later until it's sent successfully.



API Documentation

Current version v1.


Payloads will be sent with POST request to URL in form of <API_URL>/<API_VERSION>/<MSG_TYPE>. For example https://example.com/api/v1/job.

<API_URL> is set by an user in the application settings (i.e. API URL). Users should be guided to set API URL to point to your API and it should not include the version, for example https://example.com/api/.

<API_VERSION> is automatically appended to the configured API URL, see current version from above.

<MSG_TYPE> refers to the different messages documented below.

In the rest of this document <API_URL> refers to <API_URL>/<API_VERSION>.


This endpoint, <API_URL>/capabilities, is used to query the server of it's capabilities, i.e. which endpoints it supports. This is queried when program starts or if user changes settings.

Expected HTTP response code 200. Program refuses to run if on the start server can't be queried of it's capabilities either because of wrong HTTP response code or the received JSON is invalid.

Configurable endpoints and example of JSON which server is expected to return:

    "truck": true                 // Supports Truck -endpoint (default: false)

JSON can be minified and keys with default values can be omitted if you want to use the default value.


Jobs will be sent to <API_URL>/job when user takes a job or cancels or delivers it.

Expected HTTP response code 200. Otherwise payload sending will be retried in 30 seconds intervals until API responds with HTTP code 200.

Below is an example of JSON format for a job.

Note: If isSpecial is true then company object in source and destination will not exist.

    "game": "ets2",               // Game type (ets2, ats)
    "status": 1,                  // See "Status" below
    "type": 1                     // See "Types" below
    "isSpecial": false            // Is this special transport job
    "income": 6878,               // In game specific units (ETS2: €, ATS: $)
    "revenue": 6878,              // In game specific units (ETS2: €, ATS: $)
    "xp": 120                     // XP received
    "time": 234                   // Time spend on the job in game minutes
    "maxSpeed": 0.0,              // Maximum  speed during the delivery (can be negative)
    "fuelConsumed": 0.0,          // Liters
    "autoPark": false,            // Was auto parking used
    "autoLoad": false,            // Was auto loading used (always true for non cargo market jobs)
    "distance": {
        "driven": 0.0,            // Kilometers
        "planned": 248            // Planned trip distance kilometers
    "trailer": {
        "id": "scs_box.moving_floor.chassis_stwx2esii"
        "accessoryId": ""
    "truck": {
        "id": "vehicle.scania.streamline",
        "name": "Streamline",
        "wheels": 6,
        "brand": {
            "id": "scania",
            "name": "Scania"
    "cargo": {
        "id": "paper",
        "name": "Office Paper",
        "mass": 18000.0           // Kilograms
        "damage": 0.0,            // Percentage (e.g. 0.01 = 1%)
    "source": {
        "city": {
            "id": "tampere",
            "name": "Tampere"
        "company": {
            "id": "viljo_paper",
            "name": "Viljo Paperitehdas Oy"
    "destination": {
        "city": {
            "id": "helsinki",
            "name": "Helsinki"
        "company": {
            "id": "cont_port",
            "name": "Container Port"


Description of job status:

0 = FreeAsWind
1 = OnJob
2 = Cancelled
3 = Delivered

Note: Job with a status 0 should not ever be sent to the API, if that happens it's a bug.


Description of job types:

0 = Unknown
1 = CargoMarket
2 = QuickJob
3 = FreightMarket
4 = ExternalContract
5 = ExternalMarket

Note: If job has status of 0 it's most likely bug and an Issue should be opened if there is no open issue of it already.


Trucks positional data will be sent to <API_URL>/truck once in a second only if game is not paused.

Response code is ignored; payload is only sent once.

Below is an example of JSON format for a truck positional data.

    "speed": 0.0,
    "heading": 0.723,
    "x": 34496.559,
    "y": 11.938,
    "z": -61094.948



  • cmake
  • msgpack
  • websocketpp
  • curl
  • openssl
  • jsoncpp
  • wxWidgets


Install conan. Open PowerShell and add remotes for conan:

conan remote add public-conan https://api.bintray.com/conan/bincrafters/public-conan
conan remote add theirix https://api.bintray.com/conan/bincrafters/theirix
  • Open project in Visual Studio via File -> Open -> CMake... by choosing the CMakeListst.xt.
  • Edit CMake options via CMake -> Change CMake settings -> CMakelists.txt
    • Change generator value to Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64.
    • Remove -v from buildCommandArgs or specify valid verbosity level.
  • CMake will produce error, note down the path from the error:

    include could not find load file:


  • Open PowerShell in the source directory and run:
    • conan install . -s build_type=Debug -if='<PATH_FROM_PREVIOUS_STEP>'
  • After installation finished go back to Visual Studio click Generate in the notification.
  • After CMake generation finished you're ready to build.

When you're ready to build a release just replace Debug with Release in:

  • CMakeSettings.json (CMake -> Change CMake settings -> CMakelists.txt)
  • Replace all Debug parts of the conan install command.





"Box, delivery, package, shipping, transport, truck icon" by icon lauk is licensed under CC BY 3.0.