
Build an array of key paths from an object.

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Build an array of key paths from an object.

Please consider following this project's author, Brian Woodward, and consider starring the project to show your ❤️ and support.


Install with npm:

$ npm install --save stringify-keys

See the Release History for changes.


const stringify = require('stringify-keys');

let obj = { a: 'a', b: { c: { d: { e: 'f' } } } };
//=> [ 'a', 'b.c.d.e' ]

Include values in the result:

console.log(stringify(obj, { values: true }));
//=> { a: 'a', 'b.c.d.e': 'f' }

Keys with dots are automatically escaped with backslashes (this can be customized):

let obj = { 'a.b.c': { d: 'e' } };
//=> [ 'a\\.b\\.c.d' ]

console.log(stringify(obj, { values: true }));
//=> { 'a\\.b\\.c.d': 'e' }

Objects with arrays return the array indices as part of the paths:

let obj = { a: 'a', b: [{ c: { d: 'e' } }, { f: { g: 'h' } }] };

//=> [ 'a', 'b.0.c.d', 'b.1.f.g' ]

console.log(stringify(obj, { values: true }));
//=> { a: 'a', 'b.0.c.d': 'e', 'b.1.f.g': 'h' }



Type: string

Default: .

Custom separator to use for creating object paths (a.b.c):


let obj = { 'a.b.c': { d: 'e' } };
console.log(stringify(obj, { separator: '/' }));
//=>  [ 'a.b.c/d' ]

console.log(stringify(obj, { separator: '/', values: true }));
//=>  { 'a.b.c/d': 'e' }


Type: function

Default: adds \\ before dots

Custom function to use for escaping keys.


let obj = { 'a.b.c': { d: 'e' } };
let escape = str => str.split('.').join('/');

console.log(stringify(obj, { escape }));
//=>  [ 'a/b/c.d' ]

console.log(stringify(obj, { escape, values: true }));
//=>  { 'a/b/c.d': 'e' }

Release History


  • Redundant (parent) keys are no longer included in the output. Thus { a: { b: 'c' } } now returns ['a.b'] instead of ['a', 'a.b'].


  • Added support for traversing into arrays.



Pull requests and stars are always welcome. For bugs and feature requests, please create an issue.

Running Tests

Running and reviewing unit tests is a great way to get familiarized with a library and its API. You can install dependencies and run tests with the following command:

$ npm install && npm test
Building docs

(This project's readme.md is generated by verb, please don't edit the readme directly. Any changes to the readme must be made in the .verb.md readme template.)

To generate the readme, run the following command:

$ npm install -g verbose/verb#dev verb-generate-readme && verb

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Commits Contributor
19 doowb
17 jonschlinkert
1 contra


Brian Woodward


Copyright © 2019, Brian Woodward. Released under the MIT License.

This file was generated by verb-generate-readme, v0.8.0, on January 22, 2019.