This data is used to configure building my 6001 Spanish Vocab anki deck.
git clone
git clone
git clone spanish_custom
python3 -m spanish_tools.build_deck \
--allforms spanish_data/es_allforms.csv \
--dictionary spanish_data/ \
--dictionary-custom spanish_custom/es-en.custom \
--data-dir spanish_data \
--custom-dir spanish_custom \
--media ../ \
--short-defs spanish_custom/shortdefs.csv \
--model spanish_custom/card_model.json \
--deck-guid 1091781313372 \
--deck-name "Jeff's Spanish::6001" \
--deck-desc "The 6001 most frequently used Spanish words - with audio, comprehensive definitions, and usage sentences. Compiled by Jeff Doozan" \
-w spanish_data/frequency.csv \
-w spanish_custom/replacements.csv \
-w spanish_custom/extras.csv \
-w spanish_custom/exclude_common.csv \
-w spanish_custom/excludes.csv \
--limit 6001 \
--allow-flag LITERAL \
--dump-sentence-ids spanish_custom/sentences.preferred \
--dump-notes spanish_custom/notes.csv \
--dump-credits spanish_custom/CREDITS \
jeffs_deck || return 1