UPDATE: This is probably out of date now. I've written an updated guide here


This is a fork of Seedstars' brilliant django-react-redux-jwt-base boilerplate project. It is adapted to be deployed on Heroku. There's a couple other changes I've made based on my preferences. I didn't make a formal fork because it's different enough to merit its own repo.

Here are the major changes:

  1. Added Procfile
  2. Added runtime.txt
  3. Added another target to package.json called postinstall. Heroku runs this after deployment.
  4. Heroku expects a requirements.txt in the root. I've copied over py-requirements/base.txt to it.
  5. The local environment now uses a postgres instance rather than SQLite. See dev.py in the settings folder to see all credentials.
  6. Semantic-UI is included. For an example, see the ProtectedView. I've decided to check a compiled version into the static/ folder so user beware. Long term, this should be replaced with a library of React components for Semantic.
  7. Sentry logging is turned off on production and replaced with standard local logging.
  8. Not using scripts/static_validate_backend.sh. Just using pep8 through vim.
  9. Stripped out the UI components so it looks ugly on first load.

Make sure to setup postgres on Heroku and have your buildpacks in order:

heroku buildpacks:add --index 1 heroku/nodejs
heroku buildpacks:add --index 2 heroku/python

And set the DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE environment variable:

heroku config:set DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=djangoreactredux.settings.prod

Hope it helps.


For some reason, Heroku doesn't like the node & npm versions set on the first commit. The postinstall command will fail. So on the first commit, comment those out. Put them back in (and make sure they match the versions on your dev environment) from the second commit onwards.


s3 cloudfront