
An example project showcasing the usage of GraphQL.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


An example project showcasing the usage of GraphQL.

Useful npm commands

Command Description
clean Clears the dist folder in which the packaged frontend resides.
backend:start Starts an express server. A port can be given as an argument, else 1234 is used. The GraphQL service can be accessed through <domain>:<PORT>/graphql; currently it gives the user the interface GraphiQL to tool with the queries.
frontend:prod Packages the frontend using parcel.
frontend:start Uses parcel to serve the frontend under port 1234.


The data that can be queried is a list of books and the corresponding authors. Their schema is as follows.


Parameter Type Description
id GraphQLID Unique id for the author.
name GraphQLString Name of the author.
language GraphQLString Native language of the author and main language for books of this author.
books BookType[] Books written by the author.


Parameter Type Description
id GraphQLID Unique id for the book.
title GraphQLString Title of the book.
author AuthorType Author of the book.
genre GraphQLString Genre of the book.
length GraphQLInt Length (in pages) of the book.
read GraphQLBoolean Whether the person responsible for the dataset has read the book.


Possible Queries include:

  • book(id)
  • books
  • author(id)
  • authors