
jwt auth

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Protected routes

Requires authorization token with role: admin or member.
On success, returns a list of books in this format

books = [
    "author": "Chinua Achebe",
    "country": "Nigeria",
    "language": "English",
    "pages": 209,
    "title": "Things Fall Apart",
    "year": 1958

Requires authorization token with role: admin.
If user without admin role tries to access this endpoint, returns a status code of 401
Request body should be json with the format below else a 400 is returned.

    "author": "Chinua Achebe",
    "country": "Nigeria",
    "language": "English",
    "pages": 209,
    "title": "Things Fall Apart",
    "year": 1958

On success, returns with 201

    "message": "book uploaded"

Authentication and Authorization

Everytime the server starts a user with an admin role is created with credentials

  Email = "johndoe@example.com"
  Password = "password"

New users can be created using the /auth/register route but they will have a role of member.

POST /auth/login
Authenticates a user with an email and password
Request body should be json with the format below else return status code of 401

    "email": "johndoe@example.com",
    "password": "password"

On success, returns an access token and a refresh token with 200

    "accessToken": "<some-access-token>",
    "refreshToken": "<some-refresh-token>"

POST /auth/register
Creates a new user. Cannot register with an already existing email
Request body should be json with the format below else return status code of 400

    "email": "jane@example.com",
    "password": "randomword"

On success, returns with 201

    "message": "user created successfully"

POST /auth/reset-password-request
Returns a password reset token
Request body should be json with the format below else return status code of 400.
If a request is sent more than once to this endpoint, all the previous tokens will be invalidated. Only the most recent token can be used to change the password.
Email: the email whose password is to be changed

    "email": "jane@example.com"

On success, returns a password reset token with 200

    "passwordResetToken": <some-password-reset-token>

POST /auth/reset-password
Used to reset a user's password
Request body should be json with the format below else return status code of 400.
If a request is sent more than once to this endpoint, all the previous tokens will be invalidated. Only the most recent token can be used to change the password.
resetToken: password token obtained from the /auth/reset-password-request endpoint
newPassword: preferred new password

    "resetToken": <password-reset-token>,
    "newPassword": <the-new-password>

On success, returns with 200

    "message": "password changed successfully"

POST /auth/refresh-token
Used to reset a user's password
Request body should be json with the format below else return status code of 400.
If a request is sent more than once to this endpoint, all the previous tokens will be invalidated. Only the most recent token can be used to change the password.
refreshToken: refresh token obtained after logging in

    "refreshToken": <refresh-token>

On success, returns a new access token and a new refresh token with 200

    "accessToken": "<some-new-access-token>",
    "refreshToken": "<some-new-refresh-token>"

POST /auth/logout
Invalidates a user's access token prematurely. User needs to be logged in else a 401 is returned.

On success, returns a 200

    "message": "logged out successfully"