
Example CLI application built with Micronaut to demonstrate upserting records to Salesforce using the Bulk API

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

Salesforce Bulk API Micronaut Example

This example project demonstrates how to transfer records to Salesforce using the Bulk API from a Java application created with the Micronaut framework. The basic concept was inspired by the Java code example in the Salesforce documentation. This is a pure CLI application which performs one import operation and then terminates.

Getting Started

In order to run the example application there are some preparations to do in advance:

  1. Get a Salesforce org (e.g. Developer Edition) to transfer the example data to.

  2. Create a user in the Salesforce org who is allowed to access the API. For testing, you can use your System Administrator user of a Developer Edition org.

  3. Add the custom field AccountId__c to the Account standard object.

    • Open the Object Manager in the Salesforce setup.

    • Go to the Account object and create a new custom field.

    • Use the type Text with a length of at least 40 characters and enter the API name AccountId.

    • Activate the checkbox External Id.

  4. Open a terminal in the project directory and install the partner SOAP binding dependency in your local Maven repository:

    mvnw install:install-file -Dfile=src/main/lib/sfpartner.jar -DgroupId=io.github.georgwittberger.salesforce.bulkapi -DartifactId=salesforce-partner-soap-binding -Dversion=46.0 -Dpackaging=jar -DgeneratePom=true
  5. Build the executable JAR file for the application:

    mvnw package

In order to prepare the runtime environment you need to set some configuration parameters:

  1. Open a terminal in the project directory.

  2. Set the following environment variables to allow the application to connect to your Salesforce org:

    You can reset the security token in you personal user settings. Enter "token" in the Quick Find field and select Reset My Security Token.

Now you can run the application from the terminal:

java -jar target/salesforce-bulk-api-micronaut-example-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar

It will load the account data from the local CSV file accounts.csv, transform it to Salesforce account records and transmit the data using an Upsert job of the Bulk API. So, if you run the application multiple times it will update the previously imported accounts by matching them via the AccountId__c field.

Noteworthy Features

Even though the application is based on the Java example code given in the Salesforce documentation there are some noteworthy enhancements which are useful for real-world scenarios:

  • The Upsert operation sending the data to Salesforce can be given a maximum wait time. It will terminate the polling of batch states after the given time is over.

  • Polling batch states is performed in a background thread instead of synchronously in the main thread. This allows the cancellation of polling after any given duration.

  • Both the input data and Salesforce records are internally handled as plain Java objects with properties. The conversion from/to CSV format is performed by the OpenCSV library.

  • Configuration of Salesforce authentication (and even other parameters) can be passed to the application using environment variables or an external configuration file application.yml.

  • Log messages are not only printed to the console but also written to the external log files for better monitoring. The log directory can even be set by specifying the Java system property log.dir.

Project Structure

  • Directory src/main/java/io/github/georgwittberger/salesforce/bulkapi contains the Java source code.

    • BulkApiCommand is the main class with the CLI command implementation.

    • input/InputDataService is just a simple bean reading the account data from the local CSV file.

    • convert/AccountConverter is a bean used to transform the data from the CSV file to Salesforce records format.

    • salesforce/BulkApiService is the most important part of the application. It transfers the records to Salesforce using the Bulk API and collects the result of this operation.

  • File src/main/resources/application.yml contains pre-defined application settings.

  • File src/main/resources/logback.xml contains the logging configuration.

  • File src/main/lib/sfpartner.jar is the result of the SOAP binding compilation based on the partner WSDL as described in the Salesforce documentation.
