This project used Remix Blues stack as a template, then build up as per the requirement for the front end developer test.
- NodeJS & npm
- OpenSSL for Prisma
- Postgres version >13 or Docker
- Setting all the environment variable in .env.example
- Build all respective Docker instances by running
docker-compose build
- Start all docker containers by running
docker-compose up -d
- With all the Docker instances in place, run
export DATABASE_URL="postgresql://postgres:postgres@localhost:5433/postgres"; npm run setup
to setup the database while pointing to the Dockerized postgres instance to setting up the tables, running seed data
- Test the app by visiting
on local - Login using the seeded account or registering a new one.
- Unit test can be run with command
npm run test
- End to end testing can be run with command
npm run test:e2e:dev
- Deployment to
with Docker - More intensive testing and E2E testing with Cypress