
An interface for unwanted calls filtering, from the Spanish acronym "Bloqueador Avanzado de Llamadas Sistemáticas, Automáticas, Molestas y Ocultas"

Primary LanguageCGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


A gadget (HW + SW) for unwanted calls filtering. The name comes from the Spanish acronym "Bloqueador Avanzado de Llamadas Sistemáticas, Automáticas, Molestas y Ocultas", that means something like "Advanced Blocker for Systematic, Automatic, Annoying and Hidden Calls". The acronym itself, means "Balm". When Balsamo detects an incoming call, it decodes the caller number. If the number is configured to be blocked (or if the number is hidden and hidden numbers are configured to be blocked), BALSAMO answers the call with a message pre-recorded inside a microSD card.

Balsamo Rev.B


  • Caller ID (CID) decoding, to obtain the caller's number.
  • Capability to blacklist/whitelist calls, based on caller's number and on wether the caller number is private/hidden.
  • Both blacklist (block all numbers inside the list) and whitelist (allow only the numbers inside the list) are supported.
  • Private/hidden numbers can also be allowed or rejected.
  • Two different audio messages can be played to the caller, each time a call is rejected. One message is for calls blacklisted or not included in the whitelist. The other is for private/hidden calls.
  • microSD card slot. The card records the audio message files, the configuration file (including the blacklist/whitelist) and the log file.
  • Logs to microSD card all the calls, and the action performed for each of them (ALLOW/BLOCK).
  • Simple user interface with a 2x16 LCD, 4 LEDs and 5 pushbuttons (only 4 of them are used so far).
  • Very low power design. While idle (most of the time, waiting for an incoming call) most of the system is shut down (almost everything excepting the LCD and RING detector), draining around 4,4 mA. While active, current goes up to around 20 mA.
  • Optimized FSK decoder implementation. It has been written mostly in dsPIC assembly language, and carefully optimized.
  • Custom PCB with only one chip (a dsPIC) performing most of the actions. No external ADC, DAC, CID decoder, SD controller, Flash memory chip, etc. Only a dsPIC and some analog chips.
  • Design allows for a backup battery to be used, for the system to continue operating (and without losing date and time) when the main power source fails.
  • Lots of free PADs in the PCB, to allow hacking/expanding the design as needed.
  • Everything in this project (source code, schematics, board files and documentation, excepting external libraries used) is GPLv3+ licensed.

External components used

Balsamo uses the following external components:

  • fatfs by Elm-Chan (unrestricted free license).
  • Modified XLCD by Microchip (can be freely used with its microcontrollers).
  • Runtime support and chip support files. These files come with MPLAB C Compiler for PIC24 MCUs and dsPIC DSCs. Free (as in beer) version of the compiler can be used to build the project. Feel free to add support for other compilers.
  • dspcommon.inc and iircan.s from dsPIC DSC DSP Algorithm Library. This library is usually also included with "MPLAB C Compiler for PIC24 MCUs and dsPIC DSCs" and can be freely used with dsPIC products from Microchip.
  • (Optional) Doxygen if you want to build the documentation yourself.

Editing Schematics and PCB

Schematics and PCB files can be found under sch/rev-B directory.

Schematics have been created using gschem 1.8.1. Note you will need to properly install and configure it, including the free symbols I have created. You can find them in my doragasu-gpleda-lib GitHub repository.

PCB has been routed using PCB version 1.99z and it's built-in (and buggy!) toporouter. To create the teardrops in the pin to track connections, you will need the Teardrops Plug-in by DJ Delorie. Because you cannot easily undo teardrops once created (or at least I do not know how), there are two PCB designs included in the project: Balsamo.pcb and Balsamo-tear.pcb. Balsamo-tear.pcb is the final PCB (and is the one used to generate the GERBER files). Balsamo.pcb is the same as Balsamo-tear.pcb, but without the teardrops. If you need to edit the PCB, Balsamo.pcb is the one you should use.

It's recommended to install xgsch2pcb to open the Balsamo.gsch2pcb file and easily access the schematics, the PCB and the netlist creation tool. There are also two scripts (bom and drc-check) to create a bill of materials and to check design rules.

Building the firmware

As previously stated, MPLAB C Compiler for PIC24 MCUs and dsPIC DSCs has been used to build the firmware. The compiler homepage offers a 60 day fully working trial version. After this trial, most compiler optimizations are disabled, but it should be able to generate an unoptimized but working firmware image. I have not yet tried building the firmware using the gnu-based academic version of the compiler, but it may be worth a try.

Configuration file format

Balsamo uses a configuration file called BALSAMO.CFG, that must be placed in the root of a FAT formatted (both FAT16 and FAT32 should work) microSD card. BALSAMO.CFG format is as follows:

  • First line must be either BLACKLIST if you want all the numbers in the file to be blocked, or WHITELIST if you want to block all the numbers excepting the ones in the list.
  • Second line must be either BLACKLIST_UNKNOWN if you want all the private/hidden calls to be rejected, or ALLOW_UNKNOWN if you want to allow private/hidden calls.
  • Lines 3 and beyond contain the list of numbers to be blacklisted/whitelisted (depending on the mode set in line 1). Only one number per line is allowed.

An example BALSAMO.CFG file that will blacklist numbers 555555555, 123456789 and 987654321, and will allow private/hidden calls, is as follows:


Creating RAW audio files for BALSAMO

A GNU Octave/Matlab script called wav2raw is provided under src/wav2raw, to convert 8 kHz MONO wav files to the RAW format used by BALSAMO. The src/wav2raw/README.md file has additional details about how to use this script to generate the RAW audio files.

Two audio files can be used with Balsamo. They must be placed in the root of the microSD card:

  • FILTER.RAW: This file is played each time a call is rejected due to number in blacklist or not in whitelist.
  • FORBID.RAW: This file is played each time a call is rejected because the number is private/hidden, and these kind of calls are configured to be blocked (BLACKLIST_UNKNOWN is set in the second line of the BALSAMO.CFG file).

LOG file format

Balsamo stores a log file inside the root of the SD card, called BALSAMO.LOG. Each line of this file corresponds to a call event, starting with date and time, following with the caller number (if any) and ending with the action performed by Balsamo and an optional comment. An example section of a Balsamo log file looks like this:

    15/11/2013, 09:51 --> 123456789 ALLOWED
    15/11/2013, 10:16 --> 555555555 BLOCKED
    15/11/2013, 18:35 --> PRIVATE BLOCKED
    15/11/2013, 20:21 --> 555555555 ALLOWED, FILTER DISABLED!
    15/11/2013, 20:32 --> PRIVATE ALLOWED, FILTER DISABLED!

Built-in amplifier

Rev.B of the Balsamo PCB features a small amplifier, able to drive a little speaker. This amplifier has been tested and works, but it is unused at the moment. It might be used in the future to play a notification sound when a call is blocked, and to play previously recorded calls (if I implement the answering machine capabilities). If you are brave enough to try building your own Balsamo, you don't need to assemble the amplifier to get all the functionalities implemented right now.

Some features I might add

Some things I'd like to add (if I get the time and motivation):

  • Call recording support. Recording should be relatively easy using the free dsPIC DSC Speex Speech Encoding/Decoding Library, but I have to figure out a way to guess when the caller has hung.
  • Answering machine functionalities. Should also be very easy once voice recording is implemented. It will use the audio amplifier included in Rev.B PCB (already tested and working).
  • Different audio message playing depending on caller number.
  • Use PWM to drive LCD backlight, so the variable resistor used to set backlight intensity can be removed.
