
dotfiles & configs for my dev-environment

Primary LanguageLua



name installation
karabiner https://karabiner-elements.pqrs.org
hammerspoon https://www.hammerspoon.org
alacritty https://alacritty.org/config-alacritty.html
zellij https://zellij.dev


+-- config
|   +-- alacritty
|   +-- karabiner 
|   +-- nvim
|   +-- ranger
|   +-- zellij
+-- deps
|   +-- Brewfile
+-- keyboards
+-- .hammerspoon
+-- .zshrc




Keycode Description
\w w - save
\y "+y - copy to clipboard
\p "+p - paste from clipboard


Keycode Description
\ + n choice next
\ + p choice prev
\ + fc luasnip.select_choice


Keycode Description
K Displays hover information about the symbol under the cursor in a floating window.
gd Jumps to the definition of the symbol under the cursor.
gD Jumps to the declaration of the symbol under the cursor (some servers don
gi Lists all the implementations for the symbol under the cursor in the quickfix window.
go Jumps to the definition of the type of the symbol under the cursor.
gr Lists all the references to the symbol under the cursor in the quickfix window.
gs Displays signature information about the symbol under the cursor in a floating window.
Renames all references to the symbol under the cursor.
Format code in current buffer.
Selects a code action available at the current cursor position.
gl Show diagnostics in a floating window.
[d Move to the previous diagnostic in the current buffer.
]d Move to the next diagnostic.


Keycode Description
gd TSToolsGoToSourceDefinition
\ + tr TSToolsRenameFile
\ + toa TSToolsOrganizeImports
\ + tos TSToolsSortImports
\ + tod TSToolsRemoveUnusedImports
\ + tf TSToolsFileReferences

treesitter - incremental selection

Keycode Description
gnn init_selection
gnm scope_incrementa
gn; node_incremental
gn, node_decremental


Keycode Description
\ab open nvim-tree
\ag open lazygit


Keycode Description
Move to previous/next
Alt +
Alt + . BufferNext
Re-order to previous/next
Alt + < BufferMovePrevious
Alt + > BufferMoveNext
Goto buffer in position...
Alt + 1 BufferGoto 1
Alt + 2 BufferGoto 2
Alt + 3 BufferGoto 3
Alt + 4 BufferGoto 4
Alt + 5 BufferGoto 5
Alt + 6 BufferGoto 6
Alt + 7 BufferGoto 7
Alt + 8 BufferGoto 8
Alt + 9 BufferGoto 9
Alt + 0 BufferLast
Pin/unpin buffer
Alt + p BufferPin
Close buffer
Alt + c BufferClose


Keycode Description
Tab cmp_action.luasnip_supertab()
Shift + Tab cmp_action.luasnip_shift_supertab()
Esc cmp.mapping.abort()
Esc cmp.mapping.confirm({ select = true }),


Keycode Description
\ + ff builtin.find_files
\ + fg builtin.live_grep
\ + fbb builtin.buffers
\ + fbf builtin.current_buffer_fuzzy_find
\ + fh builtin.help_tags
\ + fld builtin.lsp_defintions
\ + flr builtin.lsp_references
\ + fk builtin.keymaps
\ + fc luasnip.select_choice


Keycode Description
\ + z Telekasten panel
\ + zf Telekasten find_notes
\ + zg Telekasten search_notes
\ + zz Telekasten follow_link
\ + zn Telekasten new_note
\ + zb Telekasten show_backlinks
\ + zl Telekasten insert_link

Markdown Preview

Keycode Description
\ + zp Markdown Preview


Keycode Description
\ + z] MkdnNextHeading
\ + z[ MkdnPrevHeading
\ + z+ MkdnIncreaseHeading
\ + z- MkdnDecreaseHeading
\ + zt MkdnToggleToDo
\ + z; MkdnTableNextCell
\ + z, MkdnTablePrevCell
\ + zo MkdnTableNewRowBelow
\ + zO MkdnTableNewRowAbove
\ + za MkdnTableNewColAfter
\ + zi MkdnTableNewColBefore


Keycode Description
normal mode
Ctrl f SwitchToMode Tmux
Alt + n NewPane
Alt + x CloseFocus; SwitchToMode Normal
Alt + w ToggleFloatingPanes;}
Alt + t NewTab;}
Alt + h / Alt + Left MoveFocusOrTab Left
Alt + l / Alt + Right MoveFocusOrTab Right
Alt + j / Alt + Down MoveFocus Down
Alt + k / Alt + Up MoveFocus Up
Alt + + Resize Increase
Alt + - Resize Decrease
Alt + [ PreviousSwapLayout
Alt + ] NextSwapLayout
tmux mode
Ctrl + f Write 2; SwitchToMode Normal
Esc SwitchToMode Normal
g SwitchToMode Locked
p SwitchToMode Pane
t SwitchToMode Tab
n SwitchToMode Resize
h SwitchToMode Move
s SwitchToMode Scroll
o SwitchToMode Session
q Quit