
🚀 This is a modern, fast, and scalable web application template built with Vite, React, TypeScript, SCSS + Tailwind for styling, formatted with Prettier, and ready for deployment with gh-pages. It also utilizes react-router for routing. This template is designed to kickstart the project development with a solid and up-to-date tech stack.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

⚡React Vite Tailwind Template

This is a modern, fast, and scalable web application template built with Vite, React, TypeScript, SCSS + Tailwind for styling, formatted with Prettier, and ready for deployment with gh-pages. It also utilizes react-router for routing. This template is designed to kickstart the project development with a solid and up-to-date tech stack.


  • Vite: Enjoy the blazing fast build times and out-of-the-box features that Vite offers.
  • 🎨 React: Build your UI with the latest React features including Hooks and Context.
  • 🔒 TypeScript: Benefit from static type checking and the latest ECMAScript features.
  • 🌈 SCSS + Tailwind CSS: Use the power of SCSS and utility-first Tailwind CSS for styling your application efficiently.
  • Prettier: Keep your code formatted consistently with Prettier.
  • 🚀 gh-pages: Easily deploy your application to GitHub Pages with the gh-pages setup.
  • 🛣️ react-router: Utilize the de facto standard routing library for React to manage navigation in your app.

Getting Started

To get a local copy up and running follow these simple steps.

1.Clone the repo

git clone https://github.com/your_username_/Project-Name.git

2.Install NPM packages

npm install

3.Start the development server

npm run dev


This project is configured to deploy to GitHub Pages using the gh-pages package.

1.Build your project

npm run build

2.Deploy it to GitHub Pages

npm run deploy