
UIView slider / carousel

Primary LanguageObjective-CMIT LicenseMIT


KBCScrollView class provide a horizontal scroll (carousel) UIViews in UIScrollView. The class is designed to make it quick and easy.


alt tag


Just add KBCScrollView.h and KBCScrollView.m files to your project.
Or use CocoaPods:
pod 'KBCScrollView'


Add UIScrollView view on ViewController in storyborad and create outlet
Setup KBCScrollView by adding few line of code:
Array with yours UIViews

    NSMutableArray* arrWithUIViews = ...

Assign your array to KBCScrollView.views

    self.scrollView.views = arrWithUIViews;

It's all for minimal init. For more information, see example project.

Delegate methods


  1. Your object should to conform a protocol KBCScrollViewDelegate
  2. Set delegate, example. : self.scrollView.kbcScrollViewdelegate = self;
    Current page did change.

View did tapped

-(void)didTappedToView:(UIView*)view onPage:(NSUInteger)pageNumber;