
[Collab] 3D platformer game made with Unity

Primary LanguageShaderLab


Project type: PC video game.
Brief description: 3D platformer game made with the Unity game engine, which uses the C# language.
Technologies: Unity (2021.3.16f1) / C#.

From Dec 15th to Dec 21st 2022, Mourat, Doramail and I worked in collaboration in the context of a school project. The goal was to discover Git and teamwork, and to learn a few things with the Unity engine, namely the new input system.

We were asked to make a small game, and we decided on a platformer. Having a week to develop something, and managing the teamwork aspect, we couldn't finish what we had in mind, but we are proud of what we managed to do nonetheless.

This collab version runs on Unity 2021.3.15f1 and its last commit is be8e129e342bdf5adc788d0104b95a083e391489.

We are all free to pursue the project by our lonesome, so I'll aim to make it an actual game.


  • [WASD/Arrow keys] The player moves forward and backwards, and rotates to the left and to the right.
  • [Q/E] The player steps to the left and to the right.
  • [Space Bar] The player jumps.
  • [F1] Toggle/Untoggle help mode (not developped yet).
  • [F2] Switch between fixed and controllable camera rotation.
  • [F11] Switch between fullscreen mode and windowed mode.


  • Better 3rd person camera + Reset the camera's position when switching back from controllable mode.
  • Help mode: It displays blinking arrows to guide to the goal. Disabled by default.
  • Code the buzz saws traps.
  • With the traps, break objects that can be broken.
  • Code the lava, and it destroys objects that fall into it.
  • Checkpoints: Respawn upon death.
  • Game over.
  • Potion to regen life.
  • Collectibles at least in containers that can be opened (chests) or broken (with a trap or a sword for instance), but maybe also already in the world.
  • Containers have a list of possible loots with an appearance rate handled by a RNG.
  • Loots can be collectibles, potions and gear.
  • Collectibles are coins ("coin value" of 5), gems ("coin value" of 15), and special collectibles such as a crown and a golden goblet (think of the original Tomb Raider trilogy with extra treasures we could collect in a level).
  • HUD with icons to display lives, coins, and remaining potions.
  • Reaching the end of the level marks its end, there is no collection requirement.
  • When a level ends, a shop opens and allows us to trade our coins for bonuses (regen life, extra life, magical shields, maps, skills such as ladder climbing, or items such as rope or guns).
  • Main menu and in-game menu: volume settings, key binding. Of course, save those settings so the player doesn't have to set them every time the game is opened.
  • Spash screen.