
Image Captioning Model Criticism with Similar Images

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Image Captioning Model Criticism with Similar Images


  • Present similar images for image captioning model criticism inspired by Stock and Cisse's 2018 paper "ConvNets and ImageNet Beyond Accuracy: Understanding Mistakes and Uncovering Biases" (ECCV 2018).
  • Apply the methodology introduced to evaluate Hendricks and Burns et al.'s "Women Also Snowboard: Overcoming Bias in Image Captioning Models" (ECCV 2018).


  • Python 3
  • pip

To install the required packages run pip install -r requirements.txt

Related Repositories


The pairs of similar images found for MSCOCO and Flickr, augmented images, and image masks are found in the folder images.

  • images/similar images contains the 51 pairs of similar found from MSCOCO and Flickr, used to evaluate the Equalizer model
  • images/other images contains the four other potential similar images we found
  • images/augmented images contains the augmented versions (e.g. cropped, scaled, sheared, and flipped) of the images in images/other images

The file naming convention is as follows: {0}_{1}_{2}_{3}_{4}.jpg:

  • {0} takes values 'm' or 'f' and denotes whether the image comes from MSCOCO ('m') or Flickr ('f')
  • {1} takes values 'm' or 'f' and denotes the gender of the individual in the image (male or female)
  • {2} is the object category
  • {3} is the image id of the MSCOCO image or, for Flickr photos, the image id of the corresponding MSCOCO image
  • {4} ranges from 1-5 and is only used for Flickr images


  • The code is contained in Jupyter notebooks found under the folder code.
  • The adjustments made to the Equalizer code are located in this fork of the Women Also Snowboard repository.
  • Our final weights for the trained models are available.


The error rate, ratio Delta, and sentence similarity can be calculated using Analyze Results.ipynb and Semantic Similarity.ipynb. To calcualte the MSCOCO Evaluation metrics (e.g. BLEU, ROUGE), use Microsoft COCO Caption Evaluation. However, you will need to replace eval.py with eval_special.py and use Evaluate Captions.ipynb.

Our results along with the Grad-CAM heatmaps for each model are located in the results folder.


Our paper is accessible in the file report.pdf