
A collection of useful and useless things to support C++ CLI design

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


A header-only collection of useful and useless things to support C++ CLI design

*outdated gif, but it gives an idea!



I don't really like getopt, I wanted the cleanest argument parser possible, so I wrote a first version of ProcessOptions and then a few other things. I gathered these together here, and then CliKit was born!

What's in it?

This is not "low-level zero overhead black-magic" code. The mindset here is to promote readability and flexibility. So far, the elements contained in the kit are :

  • Option processor, to crunch your argc and argv buddies and give the help messages
  • Command shell, to input runtime commands
  • A spinner, with customizable sprites
  • A loading bar, in which you can put a spinner!

Option processor

A tool to launch your project quickly and make your life simpler.

int main(int argc, char** argv)
  clikit::usage.setIntro("myprogram [args...] [-a [args...]] [-b|--bye [args...]]");
  clikit::ProcessOptions(argc, argv) 
    BADOPTIONS ( { clikit::usage(); }),
    FIRSTARGS  ( { crunch_pre_option(args); }),
    OPTION     ("-a",       "a great option!"  { flag_a = true; }),
    OPTION     ("-b,--bye", "farewell friend!" { prepare(args); })

  • Any argument of your program starting with a - will be detected as an option and the following words as option arguments.
  • Anything before that will land in args in the function body provided to FIRSTARGS.
  • Options are defined with the OPTION macros, which should be provided a comma-separated string of options, a help/usage message and a function body.
  • Within that function body, args contains a string vector of option arguments.
  • BADOPTIONS is optional and is called if non-defined options are detected. Their names are provided in args.

Command shell

The CommandShell uses a similar pattern :

CommandShell("> ", "exit") ({
  COMMAND ("commandWord", { commandAction(args); }),
  DEFAULT ({ processLine(args); }),
  EXIT	  ({ exit(0); })
  • The (optional) constructor parameters define the shell symbol and the exit command word
  • Single-word commands can be provided in the COMMAND macro with a function body
  • Any non-defined command will be processed by the function body provided in the (optional) DEFAULT macro
  • In every function body, args contains a string vector of the rest of the line's words
  • The exit command has it's own macro for a different processing

Arrow-key detection (to bring up previous commands) is not currently supported to avoid external dependencies.

CLI animations

The following elements can be found in cliAnimations.h


A Spinner object to load with the sprite sequence of your choice. Sprites can be strings of different length.

Spinner spin({ "-", "\\", "|", "/" });
  cout << '\r' << spin() << flush; 

you spin me right round baby right round...!

Loading bar

The LoadingBar object has a few options :

  • Adjustable length
  • Togglable percentage display
  • Customizable loaded/not-loaded symbols
  • Can have a Spinner

Sample loader :

Spinner spinner({ "|X  |","| X |","|  X|","| X |" });
LoadingBar loader('X', '-', 60, true, spinner);

while (progress < 1)
  cout << '\r' << loader(progress) << flush;
  progress += 0.03;
cout << '\r' << loader(1) << flush;

loading demo