Customize Ubuntu 18.04 to run with vanilla GNOME

This is no longer maintained, I am now using Fedora:

Running all the scripts (or the “runall.bash” script) will install vanilla GNOME and setup my personal preferences for settings and packages. Pick and chose scripts to suit your own needs.

A lot of manual steps are required. Earlier attempts of automating everything have led to complexity resulting in stagnation and difficulties to maintain across new version of OS. I tried to strike a balance between automation, simplicity and maintainability for future versions.

Why using Bash

It was a conscious decision to use GNU Bash as the programming language despite its many flaws for reasons which distinguish it from recent build systems:

Basic setup

  1. Install Ubuntu

  2. Get files and unzip::

    cd /var/tmp
  3. Install everything

    cd laptop-setup-ubuntu-18.04/idempotent
  4. reboot

  5. First login:
    When logging in for the first time with GDM3, before typing your password, click on the cogwheel and select "GNOME on Xorg"

  6. Check manual steps in the MANUAL-STEPS directory

Regular updates

  • update Ubuntu

    1. sudo apt update

    2. sudo apt upgrade -y

    3. reboot

  • upgrade pCloud if required