
Connect to IoT devices and send metrics data to cloudwatch for monitoring and alarms. This background application can run on Raspberry PI or other low power SBC.

Supported metrics

  • NetPing - network ping of LAN or internet devices (network and power health).
  • SmartSwitch - state of Shelly smart switch.
  • SmartRelay - state of Shelly smart relay.
  • MeterVoltage - voltage value from smart relay or PZEM-017 meter device.
  • MeterCurrent - current value from smart relay or PZEM-017 meter device.
  • MeterEnergy - energy value from smart relay or PZEM-017 meter device.


  • Remote solar system monitoring and security

Why AWS CloudWatch

While I am personally conscious of vendor lock-in, CloudWatch and other closely integrated aws services (SNS, SQS, Lambda) provide a serverless way to easily visualize data over time and get almost real-time alerts via email or phone SMS. Reliable timely alerting is particularly useful as remote solar systems are vulnerable to theft and damage. With a small personal installation, the cloud costs amount less than $5 monthly.


  • Create .env file with the necessary environment variables.
  • Run docker-compose up -d.


  • Re-architect with a plug-in system to easily add device interfaces and custom metrics