
A spin on the card game of War - PEACE. You mediate instead of war; lower card #s are higher scoring

Primary LanguageCSS

Peace: An Amicable Game


![wireframe] (https://github.com/doriorio/peacecardgame/blob/master/css/imgs/wireframe.png)

The Rules

WikiHow: How To Play (https://www.wikihow.com/Play-War-(Card-Game))


-If someone's hand is empty, the other person wins -The lower scoring player gets all the cards ('peace' spin) -War is called 'mediation' -We don't like excessive fighting; rather than mediate recursively - in the instance that mediation is entered and the cards are equal, the more 'peaceful' suit gets the cards --Houserules suits scoring: hearts = 0, diamonds = 1, spades = 2, clubs = 3

Technologies used

Vanilla JS, HTML, CSS


Init, state, tracked vars

//Initializing shuffles the deck - this only happens once
//Declare Xhand, Yhand as empty variables
//Declare x & y scores as empty variables

Click Listener

//Play button - gets removed in a win condition
//Reset button

Regular Gameplay

//A card is dealt by splicing it out of the X or Y hand
//That value is read by parsing the integer out of the card name
//Whoever has the lower value gets both cards


// Both characters get four more cards that go on their side of the "arena" - then they flip over the fourth card and whoever has the lowest value (the "peace" variation) wins all 10 cards (original 2 + )

//// if mediation inside of mediation, invoke House Rules - the least violent suit gets the cards

Check for win

//When someone's hand is empty, the other person wins


  • Countdown for every turn - 3,2,1 go!
  • Different cursors for each player that alternate based on turn
  • A delay in flipping the card - overall timing the functions
  • Animations
  • Peaceful music
  • Cutesy mediation 'cues' during house rules
  • Dynamic score counter
  • Make players be countries: Canada & switzerland and have a map highlight with the country (player) based on who wins the cards in the turn