
AvalonEdit 是为 SharpDevelop IDE 编写的一个基于 WPF 的可扩展文本编辑器,它取代了旧的基于 Windows 窗体的文本编辑器 (ICSharpCode.TextEditor),支持语法高亮,代码折叠,文本渲染和自动补全等诸多功能...

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

AvalonEdit NuGet Build AvalonEdit

AvalonEdit is the name of the WPF-based text editor in SharpDevelop 4.x "Mirador" and beyond. It is also being used in ILSpy and many other projects.


AvalonEdit is available as NuGet package. Usage details, documentation and more can be found on the AvalonEdit homepage

How to build

AvalonEdit is targeting net5.0-windows, netcoreapp3.1, net40 and net45 TFMs. Because of net5.0-windows you must have the .NET 5.0 SDK installed on your machine. Visual Studio 2019 16.8 and up is required for working with the solution (global.json will select the proper SDK to use for building for you).


Check out the official documentation and the samples and articles wiki page

To build the Documentation you need to install Sandcastle from https://github.com/EWSoftware/SHFB/releases (currently validated tooling is v2021.4.9.0)

The build of the Documentation can take very long, please be patient.


AvalonEdit is distributed under the MIT License.

Projects using AvalonEdit

A good place to start are the "top 10" listed under GitHub Usage for the AvalonEdit package on NuGet.

Note: if your project is not listed here, let us know! :)