
Identification of demographic and time factors related to higher loan delinquency

Primary LanguageR


Analysis for Delinquency Rates


Analyze the dataset for trends correlating to higher client delinquency, as well as trends correlating to lower client delinquency

Exploratory analysis of the data:

Understanding the dataset and seeking initial correlation insights

Descriptive statistics tables, boxplots and histograms reveal that :

  • Tables of variables and Delinquency seem to indicate relevant correlation with Date
  • 82% of BirthDate are missing : which means that we either drop them (if missing values occurrence is random such as subset will meet the condition of being a random sample of the population), or impute values (check how good the explanatory variables are in predicting : train and testing). Testing the regressions with and without the missing data, and realizing the results didn't change too much, I chose to use the subset, which I called " withage"
  • Distribution of Late Installments has clustering of values on zero : need to account for that in the model if "LateInstallements" is used as dependent variable
Variables created :
  • Delinquency levels (categorical from LateInstallements)
  • Dummies for high and low delinquency (1 if high delinquency, 0 if not; 1 if low delinquency, 0 if not)
  • Age (continuous from BirthDate) and Age Groups (categorical)
  • Disbursement YearMonth


Models for y = dummy variable

y = dummy for high delinquency ; y = dummy for low delinquency

  1. Linear Probability Model (Despite limitations, it is a helpful model to include)

  2. Logit

  3. Probit

Interpretation : one unit change in x is correlated with beta% (or margin%) change in probability of higher/lower delinquency; *** indicate statistical significance


Table statistics "Delinquency rates per Marital Status, Gender, Product, Disbursement Date (YearMonth) " (See appendix)

  • loans disbursed just before the outburst of the pandemic ( from December 2019 to March 2020 ) had the highest delinquency rates (possible explanation: expectations of ability to pay were trampled by lockdowns)
  • from approximately September 2020 to present : lowest delinquency rates (possible explanation: besides being most recent, so less time to have late installment, those who took the loans were possibly a subgroup that had higher capability to not incur in delinquency )

(See Distr_LateI_perMonth.png)


Regression results

Confirm date correlation, and further reveal:

  • Age: seems to be negatively correlated with higher delinquency rate (might indicate that people who are older are -0.1 less likely to have high delinquency rates, according to LPM, or -0.06 by probit)

  • Married: lower delinquency rate than DeFacto (probit: On average, being married decreases the probability of higher delinquency by -2.30 percentage points in comparison with DeFacto.) ; no significant effect for Divorced, Separated, Single.

  • Individual/Business and Telema seems to be correlated with higher delinquency (ex: Individual/Business are 77.56% more likely to incur in higher delinquency by logit/ 36% by LPM; probit model estimates that Telema clients are on average 6.78% more likely to incur in higher delinquency than Group).

  • Disbursed Amount: seems to indicate relationship, though changing magnitude would be helpful

  • Male: seems to be positively correlated with higher delinquency rate, though the effect is questionable and small (ex: 1.2 % for probit). Estimates for lower delinquency are also positive, though not statistically significant.

Further recommendations:

  • Include other variables that the literature has given evidence to be relevant in analyzing loan delinquency : location, occupation, purpose of the loan

  • Ologit (ordinal logistic regression) : appropriate when the dependent variable is categorical and ordered (Desired method , however, had technical problems with "zelig" and "polr" packages)

    • "Delinquency rate" is the variable we are trying to explain (called the dependant variable) -> It is a categorical variable (low, medium, high), not a continuous one.
  • Tobit: if using "LateInstallements" as the dependent variable, it accounts for censored values on zero. Used in some research projects for loans, such as : https://assets.researchsquare.com/files/rs-684555/v1/baffb7a5-a96c-4b93-8270-694f54d20c79.pdf?c=1626786539. However: further inspect if the situation can truly hold.

  • Test Machine Learning Methods for Prediction models

Other ideas :

  • Create count of other of loans per customer; date difference between disbursements ; seasonal effects (per month); difference between return and loan payment (liquidity effect);


  • What is the unit of the DisbursedAmount ? Congolese franc


Table: Delinquency by characteristics

Low (N=47599) Medium (N=8464) High (N=9316) Total (N=65379)
Marital Status
De Facto 26031 (54.7%) 4681 (55.3%) 5216 (56.0%) 35928 (55.0%)
Divorced 422 (0.9%) 73 (0.9%) 83 (0.9%) 578 (0.9%)
Married 4485 (9.4%) 691 (8.2%) 693 (7.4%) 5869 (9.0%)
N/A 4 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%) 4 (0.0%)
Separated 1498 (3.1%) 267 (3.2%) 240 (2.6%) 2005 (3.1%)
Single 14107 (29.6%) 2538 (30.0%) 2891 (31.0%) 19536 (29.9%)
Widowed 1052 (2.2%) 214 (2.5%) 193 (2.1%) 1459 (2.2%)
Female 28496 (59.9%) 5197 (61.4%) 5368 (57.6%) 39061 (59.7%)
Male 19100 (40.1%) 3266 (38.6%) 3947 (42.4%) 26313 (40.2%)
N/A 3 (0.0%) 1 (0.0%) 1 (0.0%) 5 (0.0%)
Product Group
Group 45338 (95.2%) 8050 (95.1%) 8844 (94.9%) 62232 (95.2%)
Individual/Business 10 (0.0%) 1 (0.0%) 1 (0.0%) 12 (0.0%)
Staff 61 (0.1%) 19 (0.2%) 4 (0.0%) 84 (0.1%)
Telema 2190 (4.6%) 394 (4.7%) 467 (5.0%) 3051 (4.7%)
Age Groups
N-Miss 39142 6840 7679 53661
twenties 310 (3.7%) 61 (3.8%) 72 (4.4%) 443 (3.8%)
thirties 2032 (24.0%) 395 (24.3%) 425 (26.0%) 2852 (24.3%)
forties 3101 (36.7%) 583 (35.9%) 594 (36.3%) 4278 (36.5%)
fifties 2431 (28.7%) 463 (28.5%) 438 (26.8%) 3332 (28.4%)
sixties 583 (6.9%) 122 (7.5%) 108 (6.6%) 813 (6.9%)
Disbursement Date (YearMonth)
201901 1372 (2.9%) 431 (5.1%) 319 (3.4%) 2122 (3.2%)
201902 1216 (2.6%) 451 (5.3%) 316 (3.4%) 1983 (3.0%)
201903 1672 (3.5%) 529 (6.2%) 333 (3.6%) 2534 (3.9%)
201904 1441 (3.0%) 563 (6.7%) 226 (2.4%) 2230 (3.4%)
201905 2053 (4.3%) 521 (6.2%) 138 (1.5%) 2712 (4.1%)
201906 2870 (6.0%) 526 (6.2%) 126 (1.4%) 3522 (5.4%)
201907 2098 (4.4%) 369 (4.4%) 210 (2.3%) 2677 (4.1%)
201908 1808 (3.8%) 278 (3.3%) 141 (1.5%) 2227 (3.4%)
201909 1958 (4.1%) 458 (5.4%) 202 (2.2%) 2618 (4.0%)
201910 1866 (3.9%) 506 (6.0%) 222 (2.4%) 2594 (4.0%)
201911 1724 (3.6%) 827 (9.8%) 660 (7.1%) 3211 (4.9%)
201912 1083 (2.3%) 1187 (14.0%) 2037 (21.9%) 4307 (6.6%)
202001 282 (0.6%) 270 (3.2%) 1149 (12.3%) 1701 (2.6%)
202002 212 (0.4%) 176 (2.1%) 1484 (15.9%) 1872 (2.9%)
202003 153 (0.3%) 104 (1.2%) 780 (8.4%) 1037 (1.6%)
202005 2 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%) 2 (0.0%)
202006 1890 (4.0%) 94 (1.1%) 30 (0.3%) 2014 (3.1%)
202007 2443 (5.1%) 206 (2.4%) 159 (1.7%) 2808 (4.3%)
202008 2136 (4.5%) 343 (4.1%) 476 (5.1%) 2955 (4.5%)
202009 751 (1.6%) 62 (0.7%) 23 (0.2%) 836 (1.3%)
202010 837 (1.8%) 46 (0.5%) 37 (0.4%) 920 (1.4%)
202011 1478 (3.1%) 87 (1.0%) 49 (0.5%) 1614 (2.5%)
202012 3449 (7.2%) 259 (3.1%) 137 (1.5%) 3845 (5.9%)
202101 853 (1.8%) 49 (0.6%) 32 (0.3%) 934 (1.4%)
202102 1136 (2.4%) 53 (0.6%) 8 (0.1%) 1197 (1.8%)
202103 1683 (3.5%) 34 (0.4%) 16 (0.2%) 1733 (2.7%)
202104 2067 (4.3%) 24 (0.3%) 5 (0.1%) 2096 (3.2%)
202105 1940 (4.1%) 10 (0.1%) 1 (0.0%) 1951 (3.0%)
202106 2884 (6.1%) 1 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%) 2885 (4.4%)
202107 1593 (3.3%) 0 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%) 1593 (2.4%)
202108 649 (1.4%) 0 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%) 649 (1.0%)





Regression results: