Description of research projects
Literature Review on Effective Education Programs - through Research Affiliation at CEIDS
Co-authors: Paul Glewwe, Kelsey Daniels and Ann Munene.
- Designed and sent survey to 50 non-profit organizations that work in Education.
- (Ongoing) Conducting systematic review of high-quality data evaluations that point to best practices in international Education interventions.
Using python (pandas, numpy), I cleaned, processed and aggregated 9 different datasets from 9 different countries to perform statistical data analysis (ols and ologit regression; causal inference) and derived insights relevant to inform programmatic decisions. Synthetized research on Neuroscience, Psychology, Education and Economics on the brain development stages that are more receptive to literacy acquisition.
Bachelor's Thesis: "Investigation on the Role of Liquidity: Monthly cycles in Road Accidents and Hospitalizations Related to Alcohol Consumption in Brazil"
Gathered and merged health data from the most comprehensive public health database in Brazil. Cleaned, transformed the data, created necessary variables for causal inference analysis (such as time dummies).
Identified relationship between the dates that paychecks were received and hospitalizations through alcohol consumption.
Analysis on Child Socioemotional Development and Parent Participation in the Learning Process (2017)
Co-authored with Isabela Innocente Gomes de Oliveira | Econometrics II (Panel Data)
- Utilizing a personality trait data conducted in public schools across two time periods, we analyzed the impact of family background in children’s school performance.
A Crise Hídrica e o Impacto no Consumo de Água na Zona Sul e Norte da Cidade de São Paulo (The Water Crisis and its Impact on Water Consumption in the South and North Zones of the City of São Paulo)
Co-authored with Lucas Vidal Passos
- Data: SABESP; Statistical Analysis in Stata
- Policy Analysis: natural experiment / quasi-experimental method (Diff-in-Diff) due to reduced pressured in the North Zone of Sao Paulo city during the crisis.
- Presentation
Can gains in agricultural productivity contribute to reduce regional inequality and improve income distribution?
Federal University of Viçosa
Impact evaluation on social welfare measures utilizing the GAMS/MPSGE model – General Computational Equilibrium application