Helper function that recursively turns plain JS object into FormData instance
npm: npm i make-form-data
yarn: yarn add make-form-data
Function handles your data recursively, which means you can mix-and-match your values and nest them however you need to.
import makeFormData from "make-form-data";
const data = {
// supports arrays
favours: [
type: 'activity',
name: 'snowboarding',
// supports objects
images: {
some: 'object',
info: 'here',
// supports File instances
file: new File(['some file contents'], 'my-text-file.txt'),
// booleans turn into '1' or empty string
truthyBoolean: true, // => '1'
falsyBoolean: false, // => ''
// null values also turn into empty strings
nullable: null, // => ''
* Everything else is handled by FormData.append()
* @see
const formData = makeFormData(data);