
Python SAM Lambda module for sending email about AWS Reserved Instance whose contract is expiring within the specified days

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Python SAM Lambda module for sending email about AWS Reserved Instance whose contract is expiring in 30 days.

This is a sample template for aws-reserved-instance-expiration-notification. Below is a brief explanation of what we have generated for you:

├── README.md                   <-- This instructions file
├── event.json                  <-- API Gateway Proxy Integration event payload
├── src                         <-- Source code for a lambda function
│   ├── ri_expiration.py        <-- Lambda function code
│   ├── requirements.txt        <-- python library
├── template.yaml               <-- SAM Template
└── tests                       <-- Unit tests
    └── unit
        ├── __init__.py
        └── test_handler.py


How to build

Python SAM Lambda module for sending email about AWS Reserved Instance whose contract is expiring in 30 days. The monitored services are Amazon EC2, Amazon ElastiCache, Amazon RDS, and Elasticsearch Service.


Download the source code by using git.

git clone https://github.com/awslabs/aws-reserved-instance-expiration-notification.git
cd aws-reserved-instance-expiration-notification

In this instruction, we are going to build reserved instance notification system in Seoul region (ap-northeast-2).

aws configure set default.region ap-northeast-2

Replace the sender's email address. You will need to verify this email address via SES later.

SENDER = "USER_NAME <user@example.com>"

Use this command to build the Lambda source code, DynamoDB and generate deployment artifacts that target Lambda's execution environment.

sam build

Create an S3 bucket in the location where you want to save the packaged code. If you want to use an existing S3 bucket, skip this step.

Date=$(date +'%d%m%Y-%H%M%S')
aws s3 mb s3://aws-reserved-instance-expiration-notification-$Date

Create the Lambda function deployment package by running the following package AWS SAM CLI command at the command prompt.

sam package \
    --template-file .aws-sam/build/template.yaml \
    --output-template-file packaged.yaml \
    --s3-bucket aws-reserved-instance-expiration-notification-$Date

In the AWS SAM CLI, use the deploy command to deploy all of the resources that you defined in the template.

sam deploy \
    --template-file packaged.yaml \
    --stack-name ri-exp-app \
    --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM \
    --region ap-northeast-2

Go to AWS Lambda Console, you can see a Lambda Function like "%RIExpNotificationLambdaFunction%"

How to Use

You can put email addresses into DynamoDB table.

aws dynamodb put-item \
    --table-name ri_exp_mailing \
    --item '{"email":{"S":"user@example.com"}}'

Before you can send an email using Amazon SES, you must verify the address or domain that you are sending the email from to prove that you own it. If you do not have production access yet, you also need to verify any email addresses that you send emails to except for email addresses provided by the Amazon SES mailbox simulator.

# we are going to use Amazon SES in N. Virginia.
aws configure set default.region us-east-1
aws ses verify-email-identity --email-address "user@example.com"


If you want to customize configurations, you can change the values in template.yaml.

For example, you can change the schedule invoking the Lambda function in Events phrase of template.yaml.

          Type: Schedule
            Schedule: cron(0 8 1 * ? *)


This library is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.