
IDA scripts to help you:

Show `objc_stubs.py` before and after

Before running objc_stubs.py:

After running objc_stubs.py:

As you can see:

  • The scripts fixed all selectors signatures:
    • For example: int __cdecl __spoils<X0,X1,X2,X3,X4,X5,X6,X7> objc_msgSend_initWithCapacity_(id object, __unused SEL selector, id initWithCapacity)
  • In addition to fixing the objc_retain/release which now access high registers.
    • For example: id __usercall __spoils<> objc_retain_x20_45@<X0>(id x20@<X20>)
Show `fix_proto_conf_desc.py` before and after

Before running fix_proto_conf_desc.py:

In a random PCD definition:

The __swift5_proto segment definition:

After running fix_proto_conf_desc.py:

The __swift5_proto segment definition:

As you can see:

  • Relative offsets are created in __swift5_proto segment to point to the ProtocolConformanceDescriptor.
  • Parse the ProtocolDescriptorConformance (together with RelativeWitnessTable and GenericWitnessTable). They will be created as structs so you can use the UI to explore them by expanding the struct.