

  • Generate Gemfile.lock if it does not exist yet: docker run --rm -v "$PWD":/app -w /app ruby:3.2.2 bundle install
  • Add your production arch (e.g. aarch64-linux) to your bundle: docker run --rm -v "$PWD":/app -w /app ruby:3.2.2-slim bundle lock --add-platform aarch64-linux
  • Build the image: docker build -t versacommerce/versa-vision-versacloud-io --target development .
  • Run the container and mount working dir into it: docker run --rm -p 3000:3000 -v "$(pwd)":/app versacommerce/versa-vision-versacloud-io

Production (kamal)


  • kamal requires curl in the Docker image for kamal
  • build-essential, git, pkg-config are required in the Docker image to be able to build gems with native extensions
  • Depending on the gems, more packages might be required (e.g. default-libmysqlclient-dev)

Before initial deploy

  • Set up kamal: kamal setup


  • Push env changes: kamal env push
  • Deploy: kamal deploy


Access this container via tailscale with: ssh root@ai-playground-d1cloud-io

Access this container via cloudflare with: