
Test traces for the OTF2 converter and the Trace Compass plugin

Primary LanguageC

Examples of OTF2 and converted CTF traces

This repository contains examples of OTF2 traces and the resulting CTF traces after conversion with the OTF2 to CTF converter available here
The codes for the examples have been found on CodinGame and RookieHPC and are available in the src directory.
The resulting traces are in the traces directory, there are 5 differents programs and corresponding traces:

  • One program with 2 ranks and a Mpi_Bsend/Recv routine
  • One program with 2 ranks and a Mpi_Ssend/Irecv routine
  • One program with 4 ranks and a Mpi_Gather routine
  • One program with 8 ranks : 2 communicators are created and an allreduce operation is called in both of them
  • One program with 4 ranks on 2 remote nodes. Each rank create 2 additional threads calling a "Hello world" function.

All the files generated with Score-P are present in each trace, but only the traces.otf2, traces.def files and traces directory are required to do the conversion to CTF. The resulting CTF traces are in the converted_otf2_<identifier> directory.

How to regenerate the traces

To regenerate the traces you need Score-P and OTF2.
You need to compile the code with Score-P as you would with mpicc : scorep mpicc my_program.c -o my_program
Then you set the following environment variable : export SCOREP_ENABLE_TRACING=1
You run the program : mpirun -n <required number of nodes> my_program
It will generate a trace directory containing a traces.otf2 file.
If you want the converted CTF trace you have to set OTF2_CONVERTER=<path to the converter> and convert the trace <path to the converter>/otf2_converter traces.otf2
For the program running with pthread you need to add -lpthread at build step.