
Fetches data from the betterplace.org API and will render charts which can then be used e.g. on a Website to display informations about a project.

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Fetches data from the betterplace.org API and will render charts which can then be used e.g. on a Website to display informations about a project.


This project requires python 3.9 or later!

Create a python virtual environment and activate it:

python -m venv 'venv'
source venv/bin/activate 

All requirements are in the standard requirements.txt. Installing them inside your virtual environment is easy:

python -m pip install -r requirements.txt

For database support like mysql (which is shipped with this project), you have to install the corresponding packages to your OS before installing the needed packages for django to successfully connect to your database.

cp betterlyze/betterlyze/template-settings.py betterlyze/betterlyze/settings.py

Edit the following settings:

  • ALLOWED_HOSTS (insert the FQDN where the app should be published)

Then apply migrations:

python betterlyze/manage.py migrate

check, if the server would run:

python betterlyze/manage.py runserver


In order to achieve regular fetching of new donations, add the following cronjob to your crontab. Please adjust the placeholders as needed:

*/5 * * * * username /path/to/project/venv/bin/python /path/to/project/betterlyze/manage.py runcrons