In this repository you will find hooks which can be used to programatically change the DNS hosted by netcup via their API
Head to your Customercontrolpanel at [] or [] and log in. Click on "Master Data" ("Stammdaten") on the right site and then on ">_ API" on the upper right corner. You can generate an API Key and your API Password here.
Edit the config.ini
and enter your own credentials there. Make sure that this file is read-only to your user or root:
$ chmod 400 config.ini
usage: [-h] [--cleanup] [--debug] domainname validation
Hooks into the netcup DNS API to set the DNS Record for the ACME challenge.
positional arguments:
domainname domain to be modified.
validation validation string
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--cleanup yes/no
--debug Enable debug messages
Use both the included shell scripts to run certbot for gaining a wildcard cert:
$ sudo certbot certonly --manual --preferred-challenges=dns --manual-auth-hook /path/to/script/ --manual-cleanup-hook /path/to/script/ -d *
- If you run Certbot too often, Let's Encrypt won't fetch the new entries. Please wait the TTL time in seconds (e.g. TTL=300 means to wait 5 min) before running certbot again. This is not related to netcup, Let's Encrypt nor this suite; It is common behaviour.