CSS Basics

The purpose of this repository is to help you practice using basic CSS properties.

Before you begin

Observe the files in this repo:

  • font-practice.png is something you'll need later; you can ignore it for now.
  • index.html is the directions that will guide you through the activity. Do not change it at all.
  • README.md is the file you're reading. You should be reading it on GitHub.
  • result.png is the result you should be aiming for with index.html once it has style.css applied.
  • style.css is where you will be doing your coding that will make index.html look pretty.


  • Fork and clone this repo.
  • Follow all of the directions in index.html.
    • You only need the preview; you shouldn't need the raw code.
    • Note: the preview looks better in the pop-out window of cloud9.
  • When you are finished, the preview should look like result.png.
  • Beautify your code.
    • NOTE: the cloud9 keyboard shortcut is ⌘+shift+B

Done and Done

Make sure you add/commit/push and change your repo's settings to use the master branch for gh-pages. Make sure you test the URL!