
Fork of the original repository, but with small modifications

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Daedalus: Self-adaptive Autoscaling for Distributed Stream Processing Systems

Note: This repository is a fork of the original repository, but with small modifications regarding the evaluation code, README, etc.

This repository contains a self-adaptive autoscaler for DSP systems called Daedalus. Daedalus monitors a running DSP job and builds performance models to estimate the maximum processing capacity at different scale-outs. By predicting recovery times and anticipating the future workload with time series forecasting, Daedalus enables long-lived scaling actions that can process the incoming workload, achieve reasonable latencies, and minimize resource usage.

DSP Jobs

The dsp_jobs directory contains three representative jobs for Apache Flink, WordCount, the Yahoo Streaming Benchmark, and a Traffic Monitoring job. It also contains WordCount for Kafka Streams. Jars for the jobs can be built using mvn clean package. With the build_images.sh script, the jobs are uploaded to images in order to be deployed in a Kubernetes cluster.

Helm Charts

The helm_charts directory contains a collection of technologies required to run a DSP job. Desired technologies can be enabled in the main values.yaml file. Install the enabled helm charts using:

helm install -n [namespace] [deployment_name] [path_to_helm_charts]

Uninstall with:

helm uninstall -n [namespace] [deployment_name]


Before running Daedalus, adjust the configurations as desired in config.py. After installing the required dependencies, it can be run using:

python main.py