
Lets graduate

Primary LanguagePython

Extensive Vulnerability Framework

Table of Contents

Front End


  • Terraform
  • Docker (docker-ce)
  • Ansible
  • Python2.7
  • MongoDB


Front end has our user interface, they select a OS first, we then return a list of valid vulnerabilities we have stored in MongoDB for that OS. After they choose a vulnerability, they submit the configuration. The selected options get sent to our API which will call terraform to create the machine.

Front End

write stuff here


write stuff here


All of our machines are built from docker images. Each image is a based install of the OS, andis stored in https://hub.docker.com/u/thedosh. In the main folder of our repo you can find our Dockerfile which shows how the image is created. The base image of the OS, like Ubuntu 14 for example, is pulled down. We then install and SSH server, make sure it is running, changing the authentication to allow root login with password, and then change the root password to changme so that Ansible can log in and provision it.


In framework/app/terraform/template.tf is the specifics of how terraform is configured. We use Docker containers to create our machines. Under the provisioner section you can see the ansible command that we run. The essential portion of it is the tags variable. When the user selects a vulnerability from our user interface, that associated tag for that vulnerability is retrieved from MongoDB. That tag is then passed to the Ansible command we run in the terraform provisioning, so we only run roles that are matched with that tag. That tag represents a role within ansible that installs that vulnerability.


The hosts file contains our configs for logging into our docker container, the ssh port is mapped to 2222 and the credentials are root:changeme. Currently it needs to use the IP address of the host machine, so change that under to your IP address under the [docker] host.

Each vulnerability is a role within our ansible directory. It goes through all the steps needed to configure a vulnerability for that system. It is then added to the main playbook.yml and tagged accordingly so it can be ran indiviually.


After installing the core applications, we need to install the python requirements and initialize terraform

cd ~/Capstone
pip install -r requirements.txt
cd framework/app/terraform
terraform init


~/Capstone/framework/app/terraform_test.py contains a simple way to test the install works. python terraform_test.py -c to test creation python terraform_test.py -d to test deletion


After installing all the requirements, ensure that MongoDB is started, make sure terraform has been initiated. Then run python framework/app/run.py to start the application, the user interface is located at http://localhost:5000.