
Create a class User, it will be your interface in order to

create user find user get all users update user destroy user in sqlite. You will use the gem sqlite3. The sqlite filename will be named db.sql.

Your table will be name users and will have multiple attributes:

firstname as string lastname as string age as integer password as string email as string Your class will have the following methods:

def create(user_info) It will create a user. User info will be: firstname, lastname, age, password and email And it will return a unique ID (a positive integer)

def find(user_id) It will retrieve the associated user and return all information contained in the database.

def all It will retrieve all users and return a hash of users.

def update(user_id, attribute, value) It will retrieve the associated user, update the attribute send as parameter with the value and return the user hash.

def destroy(user_id) It will retrieve the associated user and destroy it from your database.


Create a controller. You will use your User class from Part I. Your route will return a JSON.

It will have multiple routes:

GET on /users. This action will return all users (without their passwords).

POST on /users. Receiving firstname, lastname, age, password and email. It will create a user and store in your database and returns the user created (without password).

POST on /sign_in. Receiving email and password. It will add a session containing the user_id in order to be logged in and returns the user created (without password).

PUT on /users. This action require a user to be logged in. It will receive a new password and will update it. It returns the user created (without password).

DELETE on /sign_out. This action require a user to be logged in. It will sign_out the current user. It returns nothing (code 204 in HTTP).

DELETE on /users. This action require a user to be logged in. It will sign_out the current user and it will destroy the current user. It returns nothing (code 204 in HTTP).

For the signed in method, we will be using session & cookies In order to perform a request with curl and save cookies (Be aware it's not the same flags to save & load)


Tips To run a server locally you need to use port: 8080 and if you want to access it from your browser, you need to change the binding address to:

It will have a route GET on /. This action will render the template in index.html.

Tips Google: Sql syntax Google Create a sql table