

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT






PbPackS pb;
pb.SetVarIntArr("12", { 12345678910,12345678 });
pb.SetStr("7A[0]", "123456");
pb.SetStr("7A[1]", "56789");
int _len = pb.Pack();
const char* data = pb.GetData();
PbUnPack pb;
vector<uint64_t> _arr;
string _srt1;
string _srt2;
pb.UnPack(data, _len);





//联系方式:QQ 2694037160 请备注来意

//PbParser is a VisualStudio2022 project for parsing and packaging protobuf binary data, it allows accurate parsing and packaging of data without proto files
//PbParser does not rely on the official protobuf. It is very small and uses 3 classes: pbUtil\PbUnPack and PbPackS

// In case there is no proto file, the GetPackCode function in pbUtil can be used to fetch the package code, which can be parsed in the same way

// Here's a simple bundling example
PbPackS pb;
pb.SetVarIntArr("12", { 12345678910,12345678 });
pb.SetStr("7A[0]", "123456");
pb.SetStr("7A[1]", "56789");
int _len = pb.Pack();
const char* data = pb.GetData();

// Parsing code for example - Note that you need to make sure the variable is not freed before using UnPack

PbUnPack pb;
vector<uint64_t> _arr;
string _srt1;
string _srt2;
pb.UnPack(data, _len);

// if have proto file, it is recommended to use the official project https://github.com/protocolbuffers/protobuf,
// If you need to use PbParser, try generating code via protoFileToCode in pbUtil
//protoFileToCode is not perfect and the generated code is not guaranteed to be 100% usable, I will always try to fix this function, if you can give me BUG feedback or provide a solution, I would be very grateful

//PbParser, which stores and parses data in a node way that the parent node can fetch using GetBin. The presence of [] in a node represents an array, which can be retrieved using GetxxxArr, or [xx] can be added to specify the xx member
// Array data of proto2/proto3 syntax can be parsed and packed by GetxxxArr and SetxxxArr
// If we were unable to retrieve the data, we recommend using GetPackCode to view the node structure first

//TestMain.cpp has a few simple examples that can be enabled by selecting project config
// Contact information :QQ 2694037160 Please note the purpose of the visit

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