
Web application that provides users with a platform to plan and share itineraries for various destinations.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

MyTinerary Frontend - Sprint 3

Welcome to MyTinerary! This README.md file provides an overview of the goals and minimum requirements set for Sprint 3 of the frontend development process. The focus in this sprint is to enhance the user experience by implementing new features related to city itineraries.

MVC for Sprint 3

Sprint 3 Goals

The primary focus of Sprint 3 is to further enhance the user experience by implementing city-specific itineraries. Below are the key features and tasks planned for this sprint:

  1. City Selection Enhancement:

    • Improve the city selection process.
    • Ensure that clicking on a city in the "Cities" section correctly identifies the chosen city.
    • Navigate to a detailed view component for the selected city.
  2. City Itinerary Component:

    • Develop a component that displays itineraries specific to the selected city.
    • Display the following information for each itinerary:
      • Photo and name of the person who published it.
      • Price: Represented visually with a numeric value from 1 to 5 (small bills or an allusive icon).
      • Duration: Indicate the number of hours the itinerary lasts.
      • Likes count (default to 0).
      • Display 3 or 4 thematic hashtags.
      • Include a "view more" button that, for now, indicates "under construction."
  3. Backend Integration:

    • Communicate with the backend to fetch city-specific itineraries.
    • Ensure proper data retrieval and rendering in the City Itinerary Component.


The design for this sprint has been created 100% by me.


This project is part of the MindHub MERN bootcamp and serves as a valuable work practice opportunity.