
This action iterates through all .md files in the /content-directory, builds html from markdown and publishes it to an installation of Woltlab Suite.


  • This action was tested using Woltlab Suite 5.3. Please let me know, when you tested it, about the results.
  • .md-files must be placed in your repository's /content-directory.
  • There must be a file named frame.html in your repository's /meta-directory. It must contain {{content}}. At that location, the rendered markdown is inserted.

How to use

  • Place markdown files in your repository's /content-directory.
  • The entire path relative to the /content-directory is retained.
  • The file /content/abd/ will be placed at /abd/cef.
  • Before letting the action run, verify that the pages were created in the Woltlab Suite before.
  • If a file is named, it will be placed at the directory's URL (e.g. /content/example/very-good/ will be placed at /example/very-good)
    • Important: The files might override each other. Be aware of that when creating your repository.


If you want to make use of a staging url, make sure to set the BRANCH environment variable in your workflow before using this action:

      - name: add branch to env vars
        run: echo "BRANCH=$(echo ${GITHUB_REF#refs/heads/})" >> $GITHUB_ENV

If the branch is equal to dev, /staging will be prepended to your url.


This action required multiple inputs:


The hostname or IP-Address of your database server.

This input is required.


The port of your database server.

This input is required.


The username of your database server. It must have access to the woltlab suite database.

This input is required.


The passwort for the given user.

This input is required.


The name of your woltlab suite database.

This input is required.


Your woltlab installation id.

This input is not required. The default value is 1.


The branch that is supposed to be used for staging.

This input is not required. The default value is dev.


The path to be prepended before the files for staging.

This input is not required. The default value is /staging.


How the date of deployment is supposed to be formatted. See dayjs documentation

This input is not required. The default value is YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss.


The timezone to be used for displaying the date of deployment. See dayjs documentation

This input is not required. The default value is UTC.