
A bunch of bash hacks and lazy tricks

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT



MIT like, to be determined later.

No Warranty, accept at your own risk


Publicly distributable elements of my bash profile are available for your use or inspection. Tested somewhat on macOS systems, no clue why it fails or succeeds in anything else.

Try it out in a docker container!

$ docker run -ti  alpine:latest ash -c "wget -O - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dotHTM/bash_hacks/master/installers/alpine/alpine.ash | ash"


idk, maybe bash 4.x. macOS ships with bash 3.x, so likely install via Brew or whatever means you prefer


  1. Clone the repo somewhere on your machine.
  2. cd to the profile directory
  3. Run install.sh
  4. Check your .bashrc file for correctness.

macOS Terminal Color themes

In the profile directory is a color directory for macOS Termainal.


cdbh # alias to cd into the bash_hacks directory
git pull