This database api is written to help at working with sql in java.
- create a sql table without knowledge of sql
- create Statements without Try-Catch
- get the result of a Future without Try-Catch
You can download the soure code and build it on yourself or add it to you maven dependencies
// create the database object to connect to the database
final Database database = new Database(DatabaseType.MySQL,
Create a table with
TableBuilder builder = new TableBuilder(database, "NameOfTheTable");
String query = builder.addColumn(new Column(
"NameOfTheColumn", ColumnTypes.VARCHAR, 200, false)).getQuery(); // get the query as String
builder.addColumn(new Column("TestColumn", ColumnTypes.BOOLEAN, false)); // add a new Column to the TableBuilder
// execute the query;
final Statement statement = database.createStatement("SELECT 1+1 FROM DUAL ## ORACLE LIKE ;D");
* if you need arguments than put them in you query:
* SELECT name FROM dual WHERE uid = ?;
// Executes a statement without any result
"arguments", "next argument is an int" , 10, true); // arguments can be any type of object
statement.executeQuery("arguments").get("nameOfTheColumn", String.class); // return the result as String
statement.executeQuery("arguments").getList("nameOfColumn", String.class); // return a List of Strings
// If you need to get the result of a future you can use {@link StatementResult}
Future<String> emptyFuture = null;
String futureResult = new StatementResult(emptyFuture).get(String.class); // get the result from the future as String