The Girl Code website


  1. Clone to your machine.
  2. Install dependencies with npm install.
  3. Start the development server with npm start.
  4. Open localhost:3039.
  5. To publish a build to the gh-pages branch, use npm run publish. This creates a fresh build in the dist folder and then pushes it to the master. branch.

Adding a page

To add a page, create an html file in the src directory and a script in the src/js directory. In the script, import the page's SASS stylesheet.

import '../sass/page.scss';

Then add the script as a chunk to webpack.config.js.

entry: {
  page: './src/js/page.js'

Now add an instance of HtmlWebpackPlugin to the plugins array in the webpack config.

plugins: [
  new HtmlWebpackPlugin({
    template: './src/page.html',
    filename: 'page/index.html',
    chunks: ['page']

Restart your devServer if it's already running and you should see your page at http://localhost:3039/page.


  • Here's where I got the hack for maintaining the aspect ratio for the Youtube iframes.
  • Querystring parser used in workshop.js.


  • Gyan Bharti Workshop project section
  • Use document fragment to render team divs on about page