GraphQL Code Generation for AppSync

This README describes howto test out the repository.

Make a new Amplify API

Start by populating schema.graphql:

type Blog @model {
  id: ID!
  name: String!
  posts: [Post] @connection(name: "BlogPosts")
type Post @model {
  id: ID!
  title: String!
  blog: Blog @connection(name: "BlogPosts")
  comments: [Comment] @connection(name: "PostComments")
type Comment @model {
  id: ID!
  content: String
  post: Post @connection(name: "PostComments")

Blow away existing ./amplify dir, and re-init:

rm -r -f ./amplify

amplify init
# choose codegen, codegen, Vim, android, and a valid IAM user

amplidy add api
# GraphQL, codegen, API key, codegen API key, 365, No I am done, yes I have schema
# choose schema.graphl

amplify push
# Say yes and generate all the stuff

Configure Android SDK

Make sure you have ANDROID_HOME set, e.g.:

export ANDROID_HOME=~/Library/Android/sdk
export JAVA_HOME=/Applications/Android\

Edit codegen.yml

You'll need to locate the API URL and API key that you generated earlier. Put these values into the codegen.yml, replacing what's there right now.

These values were dumped to the console at the end of the amplify push command, earlier. Some additional tips for identifying these value with the AWS CLI are provided below.

You can see your configured GraphQL APIs quickly with:

aws appsync list-graphql-apis

And specifically, the API URLs with:

aws appsync list-graphql-apis  | jq -r '.graphqlApis[].uris.GRAPHQL'

Get the IDs for each API with:

aws appsync list-graphql-apis  | jq -r '.graphqlApis[].apiId'

Get the API key for one of the APIs:

api_id="something from above"
aws appsync list-api-keys --api-id $api_id | jq -r '.apiKeys[].id'

Install Code Generator Dependencies

npm install -g yarn
yarn init --yes
yarn global add @graphql-codegen/cli graphql @graphql-codegen/java-apollo-android

Test Run of the Code Gen

Before attempting to build the Android, first ensure that the Code Gen works.

graphql-codegen --config codegen.yml

This should output something like:

  ✔ Parse configuration
  ✔ Generate outputs

Next, run the more ambitious Gradle-integrated version of the above:

./gradlew preBuild

This should output something like:

yarn run v1.19.1
$ graphql-codegen --config codegen.yml
[00:08:15] Parse configuration [started]
[00:08:15] Parse configuration [completed]
[00:08:15] Generate outputs [started]
[00:08:15] Generate to ./app/src/main/java/ (using EXPERIMENTAL preset "java-apollo-android") [started]
[00:08:15] Load GraphQL schemas [started]
[00:08:15] Load GraphQL schemas [completed]
[00:08:15] Load GraphQL documents [started]
[00:08:15] Load GraphQL documents [completed]
[00:08:15] Generate [started]
[00:08:16] Generate [completed]
[00:08:16] Generate to ./app/src/main/java/ (using EXPERIMENTAL preset "java-apollo-android") [completed]
[00:08:16] Generate outputs [completed]
Done in 1.87s.

1 actionable task: 1 executed

Build the Project

./gradlew build