
The better D&D 5e app

Primary LanguageJava


The better D&D 5e app. This app is currently in heavy construction, more details regarding the roadmap may be found in the wiki.


Android SDK 22 (The target sdk can be changed by editing the pom.xml)

Maven version 3

Linux Compilation

ANDROID_HOME environmental variable must be set

The following must also be added to your PATH

  • $ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools
  • $ANDROID_HOME/tools

To comile simply run

mvn package

If this fails, ensure the android development kit tools directory is on the system path.

If you set your ANDROID_HOME in a .bashrc you will need to resolve the variable as a command line argument

mvn package -Dandroid.sdk.path=$ANDROID_HOME


Emulating from Linux

After compilation has completed the app can be tested in an emulator. Start the emulator by using the Android Virtual Device GUI.

android avd

The compiled app (assuming the debug version) can be installed to the emulator once the virtual device has started up.

adb install target/roper.apk

Running on physical hardware

If the android device is connected and running in debug mode, you can issue one command to compile, install and run

mvn package android:deploy android:run

or optionally

mvn package android:deploy android:run -Dandroid.sdk.path=$ANDROID_HOME


Online reference and documentation of classes can be found in our Javadoc